Francesc Alted wrote:
A Dilluns 27 Gener 2003 17:28, Todd Miller va escriure:
So, as numarray has to work with previous python versions, there is no point to care about that.
In truth, numarray-0.4 and up already require Python-2.2 and up.
Oh!, I didn't know that. In such a case, I think it's worth to consider the possibility to define records as classes descendants from metaclasses. But, of course, you have the ultimate decision.
I don't know what you mean here. Please spell it out a little more.
I'm thinking the general format for this may be converting N-tuples of types and ints into N arrays of types and ints. And vice versa. It's obvious how this works with numarray types. I think the chararray types need work and need to be mapped into the same integer enumeration as the numeric types in a non-overlapping way.
I can't catch your point here. Why there should be a problem with chararrays?.
What I was trying to see is that chararray types are not as well designed as the numarray types, nor are they reflected in the C-API.
I see. Well, is it really desirable such a unification? CharArray entities come from a module and NumArray from another one, and that should be ok. Why bother in creating a unified API or integer enumeration?.
It may not be necessary. Int8 with repitition factors may work about the same.