On 3 December 2015 at 11:58, Manolo Martínez <manolo@austrohungaro.com> wrote:
This is doing the job for me at the moment, but there are, that I can see, a couple of things that could be improved (and surely more that I cannot see):
If what you have works out fine for you then feel free to ignore this but... [snip]
Talk about things I cannot see :) Thanks a lot for that very detailed explanation. I will certainly look into settting my problem up as a BVP.
Incidentally, is there any modern textbook on numerical solving of ODEs that you could recommend?
Not particularly. The shooting and mesh methods are described in chapter 17 of the Numerical Recipes in C book which is relatively accessible: http://apps.nrbook.com/c/index.html In terms of out of the box software I can recommend auto and xpp. Each is esoteric and comes with a clunky interface. XPP has a strange GUI and auto is controlled through Python bindings using IPython as frontend. -- Oscar