Welcome Wei! A Monday 04 May 2009, Wei Su escrigué:
Hi,All: My first post! I am very excited to find out structured array (record array) in Python. Since I do data manipulation every day, this is truly great. However, I typically download data using pyodbc, the default output is a big list. So I am wondering how to convert that big list into a structured array? using array() will turn it into a text array, afaik. it is even better if anybody can show me some tricks to download the data directly as a structured array. Thanks a lot for the help.
Please, could you provide an example of the list that you are getting from your database? With that we can probably figure out your needs much better.
BTW: I am also interested in Python's ability to handle large data. Any hints or suggestion is welcome.
This is also a bit generic question. What kind of data you have to deal with? What sort of operations do you want to perform over it? Do you need a lot of speed or flexibility is more important? Some example? Cheers, -- Francesc Alted "One would expect people to feel threatened by the 'giant brains or machines that think'. In fact, the frightening computer becomes less frightening if it is used only to simulate a familiar noncomputer." -- Edsger W. Dykstra "On the cruelty of really teaching computer science"