24.11.2011 15:22, Sandro Tosi kirjoitti: [clip]
The full log of the debian package build is at: http://people.debian.org/~jwilk/tmp/python-numpy_1.6.1-3_i386.build
attached is the file left in /tmp by sphinx for the error.
Could you please give it a look?
Seems like some sort of a Sphinx bug (rather than having to do with the Sphinx extensions Numpy uses). It appears it doesn't like having a `glossary::` specified in a docstring used in `automodule::`. Or, alternatively, there's something wrong with the formatting in the file `numpy/doc/glossary.py`. Workarounds: copy-paste the glossary list from `glossary.py` to `doc/source/glossary.txt` in place of `automodule:: numpy.doc.glossary` If that doesn't help, then something in the formatting of the glossary list that makes Sphinx to choke (and it's certainly then a Sphinx bug). -- Pauli Virtanen