Thanks again for the input. You've been really helpful. On Dec 29, 2006, at 8:47 PM, Eric Firing wrote:
As far as I know, your pythonmac package source is a good choice. I'm sure one of the many Mac users on this list can elaborate.
I won't go into the long tirade of problems I've run into when trying to use these packages w/Mac OS X 10.4 But just in case you're interested in the flavor, the wx pacakge doesn't seem to work w/ matplotlib's WXAgg, setting matplotlib's numerix to Numeric breaks plotting. The list goes on. Your comments about installing from svn are like others I've heard. Unfortunately, if I really might have to bite the bullet at some point, as the wx / matplotlib problem is likely related to the fact that various pieces were built with different versions of the same compiler. (Sigh). --b