Hi all,
I was wondering if we should introduce a new `np.types` namespace. The
main reason is that we have the DType classes, that most users don't
need to worry about. These mirror the scalar classes, but getting them
is weird currently.
I never wanted to put these in the top-level (because I feel they
probably won't be used much day to day). That would be thing like:
* np.types.IntDType, np.types.Int64DType (or maybe without dtype)
* np.types.NumberDType (an abstract DType)
* np.types.InexactDType
* ...
* np.types.DTypeMeta (the metaclass used, just to have it somewhere)
Maybe there are some more types that we could use a public entrypoint
for (e.g. the type used by array-function dispatched functions or
`np.ufunc` could in principle move also).
Small bikeshed: the name np.types indicates to me that it has something to do with static typing. If this namespace only includes dtype classes, then np.dtype_classes is a more natural name. If it includes things like `np.ufunc` then that's not as clear, and I don't have a better idea offhand than np.types.
What do you think? I don't really have a good idea for an alternative
but at some point not making these nicely public is not great...
Related to your proposal but not orthogonal to it, I still think it would still be nice to be able to do things like:
>>> np.dtype[numbers.Number]
I know that currently __class_getitem__ is used by the typing support, but I think the typing will still work if you also got back a usable dtype instance at runtime instead of a GenericAlias, which has a confusing repr and is not useful at runtime.
(I will note that the DType classes do get printed sometimes in error
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