I've been editing the "Tentative NumPy? Tutorial" and occasionally referring to the "NumPy? Example List" ( http://www.scipy.org/Numpy_Example_List ). In the process, I think I mistakenly corrupted the NumPy Example List. Since the website does not offer any wiki-type functionality for reverting changes or referring to a history of changes, there doesn't seem to be a way for me to fix the problem. Nor is there a "Contact Us" link on the page. I tried the scipy channel on irc/freenode, but no one was there. I eventually filed a bug (#1963), then later decided that maybe this mailing list would be another and perhaps better way to report the problem. In addition to fixing the immediate problem, it would be nice if someone could give registered users the ability for reverting changes to the page as well. That should prevent problems like this in the future. Thanks, Alan