i read in some document on the topic of eigenfaces that 'Multiplying the sorted eigenvector with face vector results in getting the face-space vector' facespace=sortedeigenvectorsmatrix * adjustedfacematrix (when these are numpy.matrices ) This will not work with numpy matrices.* is elementwise mult.
that is why the confusion about transposing X inside
if i make matrices out of sortedeigenvectors, adjustedfacematrix then i will get facespace =sortedeigenvectorsmatrix * adjustedfacematrix which has a different set of elements than that obtained by dot(X.T, u[:,reorder]).
No, they are the same. u[:, reorder] *is* the sortedeigenvectormatrix, and the transpose of a matrixproduct: (A*B).T == B.T*A, so your facespace is just the transpose of mine. I dont know why you are getting the end result wrong. Perhaps you are reshaping wrong? I'll try a complete example :-) Get example data: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~roweis/data/frey_rawface.mat ----- import scipy as sp from matplotlib.pyplot import * fn = "frey_rawface.mat" data = sp.asarray(sp.io.loadmat(fn)['ff'], dtype='d').T data = data - data.mean(0) u, s, vt = sp.linalg.svd(data, 0) # plot the first 6 eigenimages for i in range(6): subplot(2,3,i+1), imshow(vt[i].reshape((28,20)), cmap=cm.gray) axis('image'), xticks([]), yticks([]) title("First 6 eigenfaces") ------ Arnar