On 7/10/07, Timothy Hochberg <tim.hochberg@ieee.org> wrote:

[CHOP: lots of examples]

It looks like bool_s could use some general rejiggering. Let me put forth a concrete proposal that's based on matching bool_ behaviour to that of Python's bools. There is another route that could be taken where bool_ and bool are completely decoupled, but I'll skip over that for now since I don't really think it's a good idea.
  1. +,- are arithmetic operators and return ints not booleans
  2. *,** are arithmetic operators on scalars and arrays and return ints as above.
  3. &,|,^ are the logical operators and return booleans.
  4. *,** are defined on matrices to perform logical matrix multiplication and exponation.
This seems like the simplest route towards something that is both internally self consistent and consistent with Python.

Looks good to me. At least it would make things consistent with bool_ being a subclass of integers if we go that way.
