While working on something else, I realized that linspace is not handling requests for returning the sampling spacing consistently:

>>> np.linspace(0, 1, 3, retstep=True)
(array([ 0. ,  0.5,  1. ]), 0.5)
>>> np.linspace(0, 1, 1, retstep=True)
array([ 0.])
>>> np.linspace(0, 1, 0, retstep=True)
array([], dtype=float64)

Basically, retstep is ignored if the number of samples is 0 or 1. One could argue that it makes sense, because those sequences do not have a spacing defined. But at the very least it should be documented as doing so, and the following inconsistency removed:

>>> np.linspace(0, 1, 1, endpoint=True, retstep=True)
array([ 0.])
>>> np.linspace(0, 1, 1, endpoint=False, retstep=True)
(array([ 0.]), 1.0)

I am personally inclined to think that if a step is requested, then a step should be returned, and if it cannot be calculated in a reasonable manner, then a placeholder such as None, nan, 0 or stop - start should be returned.

What does the collective wisdom think is the best approach for this?


( O.o)
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