just curious about the status on this. i've got this file still available, but i notice it hasn't shown up on the Numpy downloads on sourceforge. Last week, I wrote:
This is the last planned release in the 17 family. Binary versions will appear later -- developers, please help.
hello paul. i didn't see a changelog or anything in the new release?
regardless, i've finally put together my precompiled ZIP for win32 and python2.0. it is available here; http://pygame.seul.org/ftp/contrib/Numeric-17.3-win32-2.0.zip
once this file is available from the sourceforge site i will remove it from my little server, so please don't go linking this URL all over the world :]
also note that i finally broke from the win32 binary naming convention that had been in use since the 16.0 release. i don't know if that was actually some sort of convention, or just an old tradition that got accidentally started :] either way, feel free to rename this file however you see fit.
one last thing. in the "setup.py" for Numeric, one of the extensions included "Libraries=['m']", but this is not needed on windows. (in fact, there is no math library, so the compile was failing). i took this library out for my build, and everything seems happy.
finally. unlike my previous release, i also have finally included some quick information in the readme, i'll just snip out the new information from that file...