On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:38 PM, <josef.pktd@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 4:07 PM, <josef.pktd@gmail.com> wrote:
I wrote allclose because it's shorter, but my point is that>> If you mean by this to add atol=1e-8 as default, then I'm against it.
>> At least it will change the meaning of many of our tests in statsmodels.
>> I'm using rtol to check for correct 1e-15 or 1e-30, which would be
>> completely swamped if you change the default atol=0.
>> Adding atol=0 to all assert_allclose that currently use only rtol is a lot
>> of work.
>> I think I almost never use a default rtol, but I often leave atol at the
>> default = 0.
>> If we have zeros, then I don't think it's too much work to decide whether
>> this should be atol=1e-20, or 1e-8.
> copied from
> http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-July/070639.html
> since I didn't get any messages here
> This is a compelling use-case, but there are also lots of compelling
> usecases that want some non-zero atol (i.e., comparing stuff to 0).
> Saying that allclose is for one of those use cases and assert_allclose
> is for the other is... not a very felicitious API design, I think. So
> we really should do *something*.
> Are there really any cases where you want non-zero atol= that don't
> involve comparing something against a 'desired' value of zero? It's a
> little wacky, but I'm wondering if we ought to change the rule (for
> all versions of allclose) to
> if desired == 0:
> tol = atol
> else:
> tol = rtol * desired
> In particular, means that np.allclose(x, 1e-30) would reject x values
> of 0 or 2e-30, but np.allclose(x, 0) will accept x == 1e-30 or 2e-30.
> -n
> That's much too confusing.
> I don't know what the usecases for np.allclose are since I don't have any.
assert_allclose and allclose should use the same criterion, and was
making a suggestion for what that shared criterion might be.
I think we might be talking past each other here -- 1e-30 here is my
> assert_allclose is one of our (statsmodels) most frequently used numpy
> function
> this is not informative:
> `np.allclose(x, 1e-30)`
> since there are keywords
> either np.assert_allclose(x, atol=1e-30)
"gold" p-value that I'm hoping x will match, not a tolerance argument.
I thought your whole point here was that 1e-20 and zero are
> if I want to be "close" to zero
> or
> np.assert_allclose(x, rtol=1e-11, atol=1e-25)
> if we have a mix of large numbers and "zeros" in an array.
> Making the behavior of assert_allclose depending on whether desired is
> exactly zero or 1e-20 looks too difficult to remember, and which desired I
> use would depend on what I get out of R or Stata.
qualitatively different values that you would not want to accidentally
confuse? Surely R and Stata aren't returning exact zeros for small
non-zero values like probability tails?
If I understand correctly (Tony?) the problem here is that another
> atol=1e-8 is not close to zero in most cases in my experience.
common use case for assert_allclose is in cases like
assert_allclose(np.sin(some * complex ** calculation / (that - should
- be * zero)), 0)
For cases like this, you need *some* non-zero atol or the thing just
doesn't work, and one could quibble over the exact value as long as
it's larger than "normal" floating point error. These calculations
usually involve "normal" sized numbers, so atol should be comparable
to eps * these values. eps is 2e-16, so atol=1e-8 works for values up
to around 1e8, which is a plausible upper bound for where people might
expect assert_allclose to just work. I'm trying to figure out some way
to support your use cases while also supporting other use cases.
Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
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