Use a week functions are basically function that you use for a short period of time where a full fledged well designed program is more of a waste of time than anything else. Other then that, for what you miss it really, really depends on your applications and goals. I work on signal processing and analysis which is very well supported by numpy/ scipy/matplotlib but if you were working in neural networks, finance, etc... then python wouldn't be as productive right out of the box. I suppose the general rule would be, if your project is large and to be used by a lot of people then Python is probably much better and more portable, not everyone will need a Matlab License with the proper version. On the other hand, if you are more interested in small projects where speed of development is more important than long term sustainability of the code Matlab is probably better. This is usually the case in research environment, at least until you figure out exactly what you want to do, then switch to python. I hope this help, but either way the decision will have to be made on your end given that it's impossible for anyone else to have all the information about your situation. But keep in mind there is no clear winner, one tool is good for one thing and another one is good for another. Python and Matlab just have a large amount of overlap. On Apr 28, 7:09 am, "Matthew Brett" <> wrote:
However, I would disagree that Python with all its tools going to replace Matlab well for everything. For large projects, for advanced programmers and for non-standard things such as complex database handling (in my case) it is definitly a clear winner. However, I would be weary of getting Matlab completely out of the picture because I find it is still a much better tool for algorithm testing, scripting and other "use for a week" functions .
Thanks - that seems very fair. I think you're right that the level of help for matlab is far superior, and easier to get to, than numpy / python. Can you say anything more about the features of matlab that you miss for the 'use a week' functions? It might help guide our thoughts on potential improvements...
Thanks a lot,
Matthew _______________________________________________ Numpy-discussion mailing list Numpy-discuss...@scipy.org