Hi all, I'd like to share this announcement blog post about the creation of a consortium for array and dataframe API standardization here: https://data-apis.org/blog/announcing_the_consortium/. It's still in the beginning stages, but starting to take shape. We have participation from one or more maintainers of most array and tensor libraries - NumPy, TensorFlow, PyTorch, MXNet, Dask, JAX, Xarray. Stephan Hoyer, Travis Oliphant and myself have been providing input from a NumPy perspective. The effort is very much related to some of the interoperability work we've been doing in NumPy (e.g. it could provide an answer to what's described in https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0037-array-module.html#requesting-restricted-subs... ). At this point we're looking for feedback from maintainers at a high level (see the blog post for details). Also important: the python-record-api tooling and data in its repo has very granular API usage data, of the kind we could really use when making decisions that impact backwards compatibility. Cheers, Ralf