On Nov 6, 2007 10:57 AM, David Cournapeau <david@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
Emanuel Woiski wrote:
> yep I have no choice - those are a bunch of lab machines....:)
> thanks anyway
> regards
> woiski
Can't you build it yourself ? You just have to install mingw, and
compiling blas/lapack is not too difficult.


Well, actually I did it and all the tests came out OK for 'my' numpy 1.0.4 whereas crash (something related to msvcrt71.dll) for 'my' scipy 0.6.0.
However, all my numpy/scipy codes seem to be working perfectly now :)....
You can find them here (look down the page for numpy and scipy BUILT files): (in Portuguese...)

BTW I have used ATLAS binaries (PII) from the Scipy site and Enthought mingw installation...