+1 for more views. I agree with Fred about bundling the changes together.
I think it is better that we bundle those change together. As it is
done for diagonal, doing it for this case as fine too.
> _______________________________________________
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Travis Oliphant <travis@continuum.io> wrote:
> In https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/350/files ,
> javius provides a patch to allow field extraction from a structured array to
> return a view instead of a copy. Generally, this is consistent with the
> desire to have NumPy return views whenever it can. The same idea underlies
> the change to the diagonal method.
> Suppose 'myarr' is a structured array with fields ['lat', 'long', 'meas1',
> 'meas2', 'meas3', 'meas4'].
> Currently,
> myarr[['lat', 'long', 'mesa3']] will return a copy of the data in the
> underlying array. The proposal is to have this return a view, but do it in
> a two-stage approach so that a first version returns a copy with the
> WARN_ON_WRITE flag set introduced in NumPy 1.7. A later version will
> remove the flag (and the copy).
> What are thoughts on this proposal and which version of NumPy it should go
> in?
> -Travis
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