On Saturday 28 January 2006 19:36, George Nurser wrote:
I'm sure this is well known, but I just realized that numpy cannot use the _dotblas.so that it makes when it is compiled with ACML. This is because ACML only has the fortran blas libraries, not cblas.
numpy will find the acml libraries and use them to make a _dotblas.so without complaining, if you have
[blas] blas_libs = acml language = f77 in your site.cfg.
But attempting to import this _dotblas.so gives errors .... so numpy never actually uses it.
import _dotblas.so
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ImportError: ./_dotblas.so: undefined symbol: cblas_zaxpy
nm _dotblas.so gives a whole stream of undefined cblas_xxxx symbols.
So what are the options? Forget about ACML? Find an optimized cblas for numpy _dotblas but use the ACML flapack for scipy? Persuade somebody to write a scipy-style ?f2py interface to generate _dotblas.so using the fblas?
George Nurser.
There is code for that on netlib: http://www.netlib.org/blas/blast-forum/cblas.tgz I used it myself for my C code before and it worked just fine. Piotr