I upgraded from 1.21 to 1.23.3 recently and got a variety of mypy issues. I seem to have resolved all of them, but I occasionally still see this show up:
.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/_typing/_array_like.py:153: error: Type argument "_UnknownType" of "dtype" must be a subtype of "generic" [type-var]
On mypy 0.981 this is not 100% repro and if I restart dmypy it goes away... until it comes back. I just now upgraded to mypy 0.982 and didn't get it on one run, at least not right away. Maybe this was some kind of mypy issue, but time will tell.
I haven't seen exactly this error getting posted anywhere. I know this is a fairly recent change and it looks like there's a lot of type hinting work going on (excellent work! I love it, thank you numpy devs!).
Anyone else got any insight on what's going on here? Is this a known issue? Is this a mypy issue?
Thanks everyone.