many thanks for answering Matthieu Actually my problem concerned the old command "matrixmultiply" vs "dot". I solved it now. However I have a question regarding Tkinter. I am doing a small 3D engine using Tkinter, Pmw and, numpy. I am basically plotting the result from the matrix calculation on the Tkinter canevas and it appears to be relatively slow depending on the processor. I did a test on two different PC. Is there someone here who has experienced such problem ? It looks like the Tkinter canevas needs time to react with my bindings Vpython for instance is really fast whatever the PC. Should I use Wxpython instead of Tkinter ? Best regards Jean-Luc It's "Not A Number". It can occur when you have a division by zero, a difference between two infinite numbers, ... Matthieu --------------------------------- Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail