Mon, 02 Aug 2010 23:48:52 +0800, Ralf Gommers wrote:
I'm trying to get building to work with Python 3.1 under Wine on OS X. The first thing you run into is a python distutils problem, which is fixed by replacing line 379 of with result =
Ah yep, is in Python's distutils, I wondered for a while where the bug was :) But actually, I'm now looking at the source code, and to me it seems it should be ok. The RE_VERSION is a byte-regular expression, so it's not obvious why making the input a str would help?
File "Z:\Users\rgommers\Code\numpy\build\py3k\numpy\distutils \", line 177, in link func(*args[:func.__func__.__code__.co_argcount]) AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__func__'
I fixed this in trunk r8595 (cherry-pick to 1.5.x if you find it works). Pauli