On 6/26/07, Andrew Straw <strawman@astraw.com> wrote:
But, as Python is moving away from the libc for file IO in Python 3K, perhaps string representation of floats would be considered, too. (In fact for all I know, perhaps it has already been considered.) Maybe you should email the python-3k-dev list?
Good idea. I found this mailing thread on python-dev: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-June/073625.html There's also one interesting bug regarding to this. 1732212: repr of 'nan' floats not parseable https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=105470&aid=1732212&group_id=5470 This seems to indicate that float('nan') works on some platforms but str(nan) isn't. Is this true on Linux? Could anyone confirm this? What about float('inf') and repr(inf) on Linux? This may also mean that I have an easy long term way out => move to Linux and follow up the resolution of this bug. Windows is all troubles anyway in several areas and may not be worth the extra effort. //Torgil