On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:47 AM, <josef.pktd@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Charles R Harris
<charlesr.harris@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:51 AM, <josef.pktd@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm subclassing numpy.polynomial.Polynomial. So far it works well.
>> One question on inplace changes
>> Is it safe to change coef directly without creating a new instance?
>> I'm not trying to change anything else in the polynomial, just for
>> example pad, truncate or invert the coef inplace, e.g
>> def pad(self, maxlag):
>>    self.coef = np.r_[self.coef, np.zeros(maxlag - len(self.coef))]
>> Currently, I have rewritten this to return a new instance.
> You can (currently) modify the coef and it should work, but I think it best
> to regard the Polynomial class as immutable. I'm even contemplating making
> the coef attribute read only just to avoid such things. Another tip is to
> use // instead of / for division, polynomials are rather like integers that
> way and don't have a true divide so plain old / will fail for python 3.x
> Note that most operations will trim trailing zeros off the result.
> In [6]: P((1,1,1,0,0,0))
> Out[6]: Polynomial([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.], [-1.,  1.])
> In [7]: P((1,1,1,0,0,0)) + 1
> Out[7]: Polynomial([ 2.,  1.,  1.], [-1.,  1.])
> The reason the constructor doesn't was because trailing zeros can be of
> interest in least squares fits. Is there a particular use case for which
> trailing zeros are important for you? The polynomial modules aren't finished
> products yet, I can still add some functionality if you think it useful.

I need "long" division, example was A(L)/B(L) for lag-polynomials as I
showed before.

OK, I kinda thought that was what you wanted. It would be a version of "true" division, the missing pieces are how to extend that to other basis, there are several possibilities... But I suppose they could just be marked not implemented for the time being. There also needs to be a way to specify "precision" and the location of the "decimal" point.
My current version (unfinished since I got distracted by
stats.distribution problems):

from numpy import polynomial as npp

class LagPolynomial(npp.Polynomial):

   #def __init__(self, maxlag):

   def pad(self, maxlag):
       return LagPolynomial(np.r_[self.coef, np.zeros(maxlag-len(self.coef))])

   def padflip(self, maxlag):
       return LagPolynomial(np.r_[self.coef,

   def flip(self):
       '''reverse polynomial coefficients
       return LagPolynomial(self.coef[::-1])

   def div(self, other, maxlag=None):
       '''padded division, pads numerator with zeros to maxlag
       if maxlag is None:
           maxlag = max(len(self.coef), len(other.coef)) + 1
       return (self.padflip(maxlag) / other.flip()).flip()

   def filter(self, arr):
       return (self * arr)  #trim to end

another method I haven't copied over yet is the adjusted fromroots
(normalized lag-polynomial from roots)

Essentially, I want to do get the AR and ARMA processes in several
different ways because I don't trust (my interpretation) of any single
implementation and eventually to see which one is fastest.


I could also implement "polyz" polynomials that would use negative powers of z. The Chebyshev polynomials are currently implemented with symmetric z-series using both positive and negative powers, but I may change that.

Another possibility is some sort of factory function that emits polynomial classes with certain additional properties, I'm thinking of something like that for Jacobi polynomials.
