Nov. 17, 2023
11:23 a.m.
The next NumPy Optimization Team meeting will be held on Monday, November 20th at 4pm UTC. Join us via Zoom: https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/j/88162122074?pwd=a3h0cTZubzlLcTZzMVhCL1AxUVFMd... . Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. To add to the meeting agenda the topics you’d like to discuss, follow the link: https://hackmd.io/dVdSlQ0TThWkOk0OkmGsmw?both. For the notes from the previous meetings, visit: https://github.com/numpy/archive/tree/main/optim_team_meetings. -- Cheers, Inessa Inessa Pawson GitHub: inessapawson