This looks really great!

I love the Ecosystem section at the bottom!

Great job emphasising the importance, and the elegance of the library!

On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 2:20 PM Stephen Waterbury <> wrote:

This is an absolutely beautiful and very informative site!
It is clear all the work and thought that went into it.

So please take the following input as a constructive suggestion
from an outsider -- I am a long-time (30-year) Python user, and
I follow this list but do not regularly use NumPy ... so again,
an "outsider" perspective:

I would prefer to see the beautiful "ECOSYSTEM" section as the
top section of the page, since it is kind of a "gateway" to all
kinds of cool links, etc. -- and it is visually very interesting, as well.

The "features" boxes at the top of the page, while very good
information, are not nearly as "useful" and they are static,
so I would even suggest providing access to them via a
"Features" menu item among the very top items
(i.e., with "Installation", etc.).

Very humbly offered, with thanks for all the beautiful work.


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