_______________________________________________This is an absolutely beautiful and very informative site!
It is clear all the work and thought that went into it.
So please take the following input as a constructive suggestion
from an outsider -- I am a long-time (30-year) Python user, and
I follow this list but do not regularly use NumPy ... so again,
an "outsider" perspective:I would prefer to see the beautiful "ECOSYSTEM" section as the
top section of the page, since it is kind of a "gateway" to all
kinds of cool links, etc. -- and it is visually very interesting, as well.The "features" boxes at the top of the page, while very good
information, are not nearly as "useful" and they are static,
so I would even suggest providing access to them via a
"Features" menu item among the very top items
(i.e., with "Installation", etc.).Very humbly offered, with thanks for all the beautiful work.
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