I think this is not possible to do efficiently with just numpy. If you want to do this efficiently, I wrote a no-replacement sampler in Cython some time ago (below). I hearby release it to the public domain.
Created on Oct 24, 2009
@author: johnsalvatier
from __future__ import division
import numpy
def random_no_replace(sampleSize, populationSize, numSamples):
samples = numpy.zeros((numSamples, sampleSize),dtype=int)
# Use Knuth's variable names
cdef int n = sampleSize
cdef int N = populationSize
cdef i = 0
cdef int t = 0 # total input records dealt with
cdef int m = 0 # number of items selected so far
cdef double u
while i < numSamples:
t = 0
m = 0
while m < n :
u = numpy.random.uniform() # call a uniform(0,1) random number generator
if (N - t)*u >= n - m :
t += 1
samples[i,m] = t
t += 1
m += 1
i += 1
return samples
I want to sample *without* replacement from a vector
(as with Python's random.sample). I don't see a direct
replacement for this, and I don't want to carry two
PRNG's around. Is the best way something like this?
Alan Isaac
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