Hi Derek! On 26. mars 2011, at 15.48, Derek Homeier wrote:
Hi again,
On 26 Mar 2011, at 15:20, Derek Homeier wrote:
1562: I attach a possible patch. This could also be the default behavior to my mind, since the function caller can simply call numpy.squeeze if needed. Changing default behavior would probably break old code,
Seems the fastest solution unless someone wants to change numpy.squeeze as well. But the present patch does not call np.squeeze any more at all, so I propose to restore that behaviour for X.ndim > ndmin to remain really backwards compatible. It also seems easier to code when making the default ndmin=0.
I've got another somewhat general question: since it would probably be nice to have a test for this, I found one could simply add something along the lines of
assert_equal(a.shape, x.shape)
to test_io.py - test_shaped_dtype(self) or should one generally create a new test for such things (might still be better in this case, since test_shaped_dtype does not really test different ndim)?
Cheers, Derek
It would be nice to see your patch. I uploaded all of mine as mentioned. I'm no testing expert, but I am sure someone else will comment on it. Paul.