On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris@gmail.com> wrote:
One minor suggestion: I think it would be useful to have the new polys have some form of pretty-printing like the old ones. It is actually useful when working, to verify what one has at hand, to see an expanded printout like the old ones do:
I thought about that, but decided it was best left to a derived class, say PrettyPoly ;) Overriding __repr__ and __str__ is an example where inheritance makes sense.
I disagree, I think one of the advantages of having both str and repr is precisely to make it easy to have both a terse, implementation-oriented representation and a more human-friendly one out of the box. I don't like using 'training wheels' classes, people tend to learn one thing and use it for a long time, so I think objects should be as fully usable as possible from the get-go. I suspect I wouldn't use/teach a PrettyPoly if it existed. But it's ultimately your call. In any case, many thanks for the code! Best, f