Greetings, I am trying to pickle an array of objects with a typecode of Object. Ultimately this array will be in a class I create based on UserArray, but the following illustrates a problem I am having. See code at the end of the message. I am working in Windows 2000, Service Pack 1, using PythonWin, win32all build 140. I am using the following versions of python stuff Python: 2.1.1 (#20, Jul 20 2001, 01:19:29) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] Numeric: 20.2.0 cPickle: 1.71 I create a simple array with a type of Object, pickle it to a file using cPickle. I then run this script in PythonWin. I can unpickle this file from PythonWin, but not from DOS window. Alternatively, I can pickle the array from DOS, and unpickle it from DOS, but not from PythonWin. If I save both versions of the file and compare them, they are the same size, but not the same bytes. This does not happen with other types for the array. When unpickling, I get a GPF, either from PythonWin.exe or Python.exe. Any ideas? My ultimate goal is to be able to store simple class objects in the array and be able to pickle and unpickle them. ----- CODE ---- # simple test for pickling problem import Numeric import cPickle import sys basePath = "c:\\python21\\scripts\\pickle\\" print "++++++" # create a simple array of object, populated by integer data ds1 = Numeric.array([1,2,3,4], 'O') print ds1, ds1.typecode() print "Python: ", sys.version print "Numeric: " , Numeric.__version__ print "cPickle: ", cPickle.__version__ pickle = 1 # change to 0 to skip the pickling step for ii in (range(1,2)): if pickle: fileName = "%s%s%d%s" % (basePath, "simple", ii, ".pck") print "pickling ", fileName fp = open(fileName, 'wb') cPickle.dump(ds1, fp, 1) fp.close() for ii in range(1,2): fileName = "%s%s%d%s" % (basePath, "simple", ii, ".pck") print "unpickling ", fileName fp = open(fileName, 'rb') obj = cPickle.load(fp) fp.close() print obj, obj.typecode()