When thinking about supporting a platform, it seems reasonable to consider other sources for pre-compiled binaries, e.g., conda and especially conda-forge. Conda-forge has


linux-ppc64le  v1.7.0

linux-64  v1.7.0

linux-aarch64  v1.7.0

osx-arm64  v1.7.0

osx-64  v1.7.0

win-32  v1.2.1

win-64  v1.7.0


If this list included PyPy that it would be virtually complete.


It seems reasonable to direct users to conda-forge if they are unable to build a package for a less common platform.


Building on conda-forge is often easier than building a wheel for PyPI due to the substantial infrastructure that the conda-forge team provides to automatically wire up CI for a lot of platforms.





From: Ralf Gommers
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 2:12 PM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] reducing effort spent on wheel builds?




On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 2:41 PM Matti Picus <matti.picus@gmail.com> wrote:

On 15/7/21 1:21 pm, Ralf Gommers wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've seen Chuck and Matti burn a lot of time on the numpy-wheels repo
> again recently, and I've done the same for SciPy. ...
> Cheers,
> Ralf

Since my name was mentioned, the things I have spent time on for wheel
packaging in order of time spent (not scientifically measured rather
looking back at the closed PRs and thinking "oh yeah, that was painful")
have been

- Updating manylnux to move away from 10 year old glibc on linux (still
stuck and not clear how to finish it [0])

- Moving from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com (with the panic around
build credits) and from Appveyor to github actions/azure pipelines

- Moving from rackspace's wheel hosting to anaconda.org

- Working around CI failures with aarch64 for linux, mainly due to
shortcomings in the free CI providers

- Bugs in dependencies: avoiding buggy Accelerate when building NumPy
and debugging Windows/aarch64 problems with OpenBLAS

- Updating OpenBLAS versions

- Shepherding Apple M1 hardware through the manylinux/multibuild/wheel
pipeline (all the hard work was done by others)

- Trying to make 64-bit interfaces for OpenBLAS work (99.9% done by Chuck)

- Updating PyPy versions


Thanks Matti! This list is super helpful.


Only the last one, which was actually the least painful, would be helped
by Ralf's list.


Not so sure about that - probably the single biggest pain points are CI providers (especially the exotic ones) and OpenBLAS - a dependency we struggle with mostly because of wheels. Without ppc64le and s390x (forgot that one) we wouldn't need TravisCI at all for example, and we would have less work on https://github.com/MacPython/openblas-libs too.


On the other hand, packaging is made harder as more technologies go into
a wheel build. The twitter thread started with "SciPy added a required
dependency on a technology which broke things, but people stepped up to
fix the problem quickly" and morphed into "lets drop wheels for lesser
used platforms". I am not sure the discussion should have moved away
from the first point so quickly. Perhaps there should be some discussion
of the cost of adding new build dependencies and somehow making the
dependency conditional for a release or two until all the worst kinks
are worked out.


Not quite the right mailing list, but: it *is* an optional dependency in scipy 1.7.0, and there has been no proposal so far to make it required.


For the record, I am +1 on removing sdists from PyPI until pip changes
its default to --only-binary :all: [1]


[0] https://github.com/pypa/manylinux/issues/1012


Ah yes:( That just seems like a major oversight in the perennial manylinux spec. If no one fixes it, guess we wait till we can jump to `_2_??` with a higher GCC requirement.





[1] https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9140