Hello people ! First-of-all, thank you for your great service to the Python community. I'm working for a project on porting some Octave code base towards Python. As you can imagine, it is a lot of fun, but I sometimes come across functions that are not (yet ?) available in the mighty NumPy package. Namely, the expfit function, as presented [here](https://octave.sourceforge.io/optim/function/expfit.html) (https://octave.sourceforge.io/optim/function/expfit.html) doesn't seem to exist. I'm currently building a replacement for it in my words (keywords I mean ;) ) but maybe a better solution would be to contribute some code into NumPy. AFAIK, the preferred way to fit a Polynomial nowadays is to call numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial. Do you think that a class for `Exponential` based on that one would be an interesting addition to NumPy ? Thanks in advance, Swan BOSC.