Hmm, I'd hate to hear the impolite form! ;-)
isn't it nice when cranky-heads are dealt with politely? ;-)
Just do M-x compile and set the compilation command to "python setup.py build", then you can click on the errors.
ahhhh... hadnt thought of that. thanks.... here is a one line fix to build_ext.py in the distutils distribution that switches the order of the includes, so that -IInclude comes before -I/usr/lib/python1.5 in the build process, so API changes in the .h files don't hose the build before the install. les schaffer (gustav)/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/distutils/command/: diff -c build_ext.py~ build_ext.py *** build_ext.py~ Sun Jan 30 13:34:12 2000 --- build_ext.py Tue Mar 28 13:30:03 2000 *************** *** 99,105 **** self.include_dirs = string.split (self.include_dirs, os.pathsep) ! self.include_dirs.insert (0, py_include) if exec_py_include != py_include: self.include_dirs.insert (0, exec_py_include) --- 99,105 ---- self.include_dirs = string.split (self.include_dirs, os.pathsep) ! self.include_dirs.append(py_include) if exec_py_include != py_include: self.include_dirs.insert (0, exec_py_include)