Christopher Burns wrote:
install numpy and they _do not_ have this version of python installed, issues a warning: "numpy requires System Python 2.5 to install."
The phrase "System Python" is misleading, it's reasonable to assume that refers to the system version of python. So I'd like to change it.
This string is stored in an Info.plist buried in the .mpkg that bdist_mpkg builds. I'd like to be able to override that string from the command line, but there does not seem to be any options for changing the requirements from the command line.
I've poked into the bdist_mpkg code a bit, and I think this is where that message is generated: # ... name = u'%s Python %s' % (FRIENDLY_PREFIX.get(dprefix, dprefix), version) kw.setdefault('LabelKey', name) title = u'%s requires %s to install.' % (pkgname, name,) ... and here: FRIENDLY_PREFIX = { os.path.expanduser(u'~/Library/Frameworks') : u'User', u'/System/Library/Frameworks' : u'Apple', u'/Library/Frameworks' : u'System', u'/opt/local' : u'DarwinPorts', u'/usr/local' : u'Unix', u'/sw' : u'Fink', } So, it looks like they are calling "/System/Library/Frameworks" "Apple", and "/Library/Frameworks" "system", which we all seem to agree is misleading. So I'd say change that in the bdist_mpkg source, maybe to: u'/Library/Frameworks' : u'', or even: u'/Library/Frameworks' : u' Framework Build', This calls for a note to the pythonmac list -- someone there will hopefully have access to that source repository. -Chris -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception