Am 08.03.2015 um 21:47 schrieb Dp Docs <>:

Hi all,
I am a CS 3rd Undergrad. Student from an Indian Institute (III T). I
believe I am good in Programming languages like C/C++, Python as I
have already done Some Projects using these language as a part of my
academics. I really like Coding (Competitive as well as development).
I really want to get involved in Numpy Development Project and want to
take  "Vector math library integration" as a part of my project. I
want to here any idea from your side for this project.
Thanks For your time for reading this email and responding back.

On the scipy mailing list I also answered to Amine, who is also interested in this proposal. Long time ago I wrote a package that provides fast math functions (ufuncs) for numpy, using Intel’s MKL/VML library, see and my comments there. This code could be easily ported to use other vector math libraries. Would be interesting to evaluate other possibilities. Due to the fact that MKL is non-free, there are concerns to use it with numpy, although e.g. numpy and scipy using the MKL LAPACK routines are used frequently (Anaconda or Christoph Gohlkes  binaries). 

You can easily inject the fast math ufuncs into numpy, e.g. with set_numeric_ops() or np.sin = vml.sin. 
