Hi all, I was recently surprised to find that there are no round(0 or abs() Ufuncs with Numeric. I'm imagining that they might exist under other names, but if not, I submit my versions for critique (lightly tested) -Chris from Numeric import * def Uabs(a): """ A Ufunc version of the Python abs() function """ a = asarray(a) if a.typecode() == 'D' or a.typecode() == 'F':# for complex numbers return sqrt(a.imag**2 + a.real**2) else: return where(a < 0, -a, a) def Uround(a,n=0): """ A Ufunc version of the Python round() function. It should behave in the same way Note: I think this is the right thing to do for negative numbers, but not totally sure. (Uround(-0.5) = 0, but Uround(-0.5000001) = -1) It won't work for complex numbers """ a = asarray(a) n = asarray(n) return floor((a * 10.**n) + 0.5) / 10.**n -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. ChrisHBarker@home.net --- --- --- http://members.home.net/barkerlohmann ---@@ -----@@ -----@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ Oil Spill Modeling ------ @ ------ @ ------ @ Water Resources Engineering ------- --------- -------- Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------