Thomas Shepard writes:
Thought you may like to see this. Do you know of any other users of the Gist module besides yourself?
Everyone who uses Yorick uses the gist package within Yorick, and there are a lot of such people at LLNL and worldwide. Since some major new LLNL production codes will be python based, I predict significant interest in the Python Gist package.
I do wonder how many users of Yorick there are. I am sure I'm the only one in the Berkeley astronomy department, for example. I will take a look at the Gist source, and see if I can understand it well enough to support it. I haven't used Gist all that much, but I finally found a problem that I couldn't solve with the other graphics packages I know, so I've started using it again.
Regarding xfiles.llnl.gov, I am pretty sure that the server is now behind the new LLNL firewall and therefore invisible to the outside world. But it still exists. It would be a good idea to arrange for these packages to be available somewhere where outsiders can get them.
I found LLNLDistribution11 on the ftp-icf site, so I'm set for now. I could look into sourceforge as a distribution site. Then again, I'd like to graduate by December, so I'm likely to be busy on my own projects, stamping down gamma-rays and unruly pair plasmas, without much time for purely programming work. ;-) --Johann -- Johann Hibschman johann@physics.berkeley.edu