June 2, 2019
4:53 a.m.
On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 10:01 AM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks! I know this is going to be a little complicated to get everyone on the same page. That's why I'm aiming to get a draft out before SciPy'19 so there's a chance to discuss it in person with everyone who is there. Mailing lists are a poor interface. Will you be at SciPy?
Would it be useful if we could integrate the documentation system with a discussion forum (like Discourse.org)? Each function can be linked to its own discussion topic, where users and developers can discuss about the function, upvote or downvote it etc. This kind of discussion seems to be a bit more structured than a mailing list discussion. Dashamir