On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Gregor Thalhammer < gregor.thalhammer@gmail.com> wrote:
On the scipy mailing list I also answered to Amine, who is also
interested in this proposal. Can you provide the link of that discussion? I am getting trouble in searching that. > Long time ago I wrote a package that provides fast math functions (ufuncs) for numpy, using Intel’s MKL/VML library, see https://github.com/geggo/uvml and my comments > there. This code could be easily ported to use other vector math libraries. When MKL is not available for a System, will this integration work with default numpy maths functions? > Would be interesting to evaluate other possibilities. Due to > the fact that MKL is non-free, there are concerns to use it with numpy, > although e.g. numpy and scipy using the MKL LAPACK > routines are used frequently (Anaconda or Christoph Gohlkes binaries).
You can easily inject the fast math ufuncs into numpy, e.g. with
set_numeric_ops() or np.sin = vml.sin. Can you explain in a bit detail or provide a link where i can see it? Thanks for your valuable suggestion. -- Durgesh Pandey, IIIT-Hyderabad,India.