On 01/09/2013 06:22 PM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal wrote:
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 7:09 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
This is a general issue applying to data which is read from real-world external sources. For example, digitizers routinely represent their samples as int8's or int16's, and you apply a scale and offset to get a reading in volts.
This particular case is actually handled fine by 1.5, because int array + float scalar *does* upcast to float. It's width that's ignored (int8 versus int32), not the basic "kind" of data (int versus float).
But overall this does sound like a problem -- but it's not a problem with the scalar/array rules, it's a problem with working with narrow width data in general.
Exactly -- this is key. details asside, we essentially have a choice between an approach that makes it easy to preserver your values -- upcasting liberally, or making it easy to preserve your dtype -- requiring users to specifically upcast where needed.
IIRC, our experience with earlier versions of numpy (and Numeric before that) is that all too often folks would choose a small dtype quite deliberately, then have it accidentally upcast for them -- this was determined to be not-so-good behavior.
I think the HDF (and also netcdf...) case is a special case -- the small dtype+scaling has been chosen deliberately by whoever created the data file (to save space), but we would want it generally opaque to the consumer of the file -- to me, that means the issue should be adressed by the file reading tools, not numpy. If your HDF5 reader chooses the the resulting dtype explicitly, it doesn't matter what numpy's defaults are. If the user wants to work with the raw, unscaled arrays, then they should know what they are doing.
+1. I think h5py should consider: File("my.h5")['int8_dset'].dtype == int64 File("my.h5", preserve_dtype=True)['int8_dset'].dtype == int8 Dag Sverre