27 Jul
27 Jul
4:10 a.m.
Hi, Gary Ruben wrote:
import numpy as np import scipy.signal as ss
# read heightmap here - in my case it's a square numpy float array
# build 2d window hm_len = heightmap.shape[0] bw2d = np.outer(ss.hamming(hm_len), np.ones(hm_len)) bw2d = np.sqrt(bw2d * bw2d.T) # I don't know whether the sqrt is correct
# window the heightmap heightmap *= bw2d
-- Gary R.
Thanks very much for your solution, this is exactly what I needed! If I'm not mistaken, though, you can achieve the same result with h = hamming(n) ham2d = sqrt(outer(h,h)) which is a bit more compact. Regards, Henrik