On Jun 30, 2010, at 12:48 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Lisandro Dalcin <dalcinl@gmail.com> wrote:
Do we really need this for NumPy 2? What about using the old PyCObject
for all Py 2.x versions? If this is not done, perhaps NumPy 2 on top
of Py 2.x should still accept the __array_struct__ being a PyCObject?

As reference, Cython still uses PyCObject for Py<3.1
http://hg.cython.org/cython-devel/rev/8a58f1544bd8#l1.33 .

Blame the Python 2.7 developers, those suckers deprecated the PyCObject. Grrr... I didn't see the point, myself, I'm tempted to deprecate 2.7 just to get even. There are some routines in the numpy/core/src includes that you might want to copy, they will allow you to use a common interface for PyCObject and PyCapsule if you need to do that.

Did we complain loudly to these guys.   I fear that our voice is not loud enough with the current crop of Python developers. 



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Travis Oliphant
Enthought, Inc.