Jan. 12, 2015
7:13 a.m.
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:50 AM, cjw <cjw@ncf.ca> wrote:
Wot, no AMD64?
Colin, this is well known from previous scipy and numpy releases. It's due to not having a freely available 64-bit compiler chain available at the moment with which we can build official binaries. You can get 64-bit Windows installers of most scientific Python distributions (like Anaconda, Enthough Canopy, WinPython) and for just Scipy from the site of Christoph Gohlke. Your tone on this list is not appreciated by the way, it borders on trolling. If you have a serious question to which you really don't know the answer, please pose it in a less disrespectful way. Ralf