Indeed for matrix multiplication and many other L3 BLAS functions, we are lucky however for linear solve function ?getrs unfortunately no avail. On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 12:31 AM Benjamin Root <> wrote:
I have found that a bunch of lapack functions seem to have arguments for stating whether or not the given arrays are C or F ordered. Then you wouldn't need to worry about handling the layout yourself. For example, I have some C++ code like so:
extern "C" {
/** * Forward declaration for LAPACK's Fortran dgemm function to allow use in C/C++ code. * * This function is used for matrix multiplication between two arrays of doubles. * * For complete reference: */ void dgemm_(const char* TRANSA, const char* TRANSB, const int* M, const int* N, const int* K, const double* ALPHA, const double* A, const int* LDA, const double* B, const int* LDB, const double* BETA, double* C, const int* LDC); }
dgemm_("C", "C", &nLayers, &N, &nVariables, &alpha, matrices.IW->data(), &nVariables,, &N, &beta,, &nLayers);
(in this case, I was using boost multiarrays, but the basic idea is the same). IIRC, a bunch of other lapack functions had similar features.
I hope this is helpful.
Ben Root
On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 6:02 PM Ilhan Polat <> wrote:
I've asked this in Cython mailing list but probably I should also get some feedback here too.
I have the following function defined in Cython and using flat memory pointers to hold n by n array data.
cdef some_C_layout_func(double[:, :, ::1] Am) nogil: # ... cdef double * work1 = <double*>malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)) cdef double *work2 = <double *>malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)) # ... # Lots of C-layout operations here # ... dgetrs(<char*>'T', &n, &n, &work1[0], &n, &ipiv[0], &work2[0], &n, & info ) dcopy(&n2, &work2[0], &int1, &Am[0, 0, 0], &int1) free(...)
Here, I have done everything in C layout with work1 and work2 but I have to convert work2 into Fortran layout to be able to solve AX = B. A can be transposed in Lapack internally via the flag 'T' so the only obstacle I have now is to shuffle work2 which holds B transpose in the eyes of Fortran since it is still in C layout.
If I go naively and make loops to get one layout to the other that actually spoils all the speed benefits from this Cythonization due to cache misses. In fact 60% of the time is spent in that naive loop across the whole function. Same goes for the copy_fortran() of memoryviews.
I have measured the regular NumPy np.asfortranarray() and the performance is quite good enough compared to the actual linear solve. Hence whatever it is doing underneath I would like to reach out and do the same possibly via the C-API. But my C knowledge basically failed me around this line
I have found the SO post from but I am not sure if that is the canonical way to do it in newer Python versions.
Can anyone show me how to go about it without interacting with Python objects?
Best, ilhan _______________________________________________ NumPy-Discussion mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Member address:
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