Hi! I've checked in my source, so it is available at http://pygsl.sourceforge.net/ . A mailinglist for discussion needs and support is created, please mail to: mailto:pygsl-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net . pygsl provides now: module pygsl.sf: with 200 special functions module pygsl.const: with 23 often used mathematical constants module pygsl.ieee: access to the ieee-arithmetics layer of gsl module pygsl.rng: provides several random number generators and different probability densities It can be used with gsl-0.* and with gsl-1.* (with a small change in setup.py). Version 0.0.3 is tested for python-2.0. The cvs version can be used with python-2.1 and python-2.2 . Help is needed and code is accepted with thanks. Just visit our cvs repository at sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=34743 Yours, Achim