On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:13 AM, David Cournapeau <cournape@gmail.com> wrote:

I have worked on porting scipy to py3k, and it is mostly working. One
thing which would be useful is to install something similar to
npy_3kcompat.h in numpy, so that every scipy extension could share the
compat header. Is the current python 3 compatibility header usable "in
the wild", or will it still significantly change (this requiring a
different, more stable one) ?

Pauli will have to weigh in here, but I think it is pretty stable and has been for a while. The only thing I'm thinking of changing are the PyCapsule compatibility functions; instead of having them downgrade PyCapsule to PyCObject like behaviour, go the other way. Going the other way requires changes to the surrounding code to handle errors, which is why Numpy doesn't use those functions at the moment.
