I've long ago stopped doing any "emptiness is false"-type tests on any python containers when iterators and generators became common, because they always return True.
good point.
Personally, I've thought for years that Python's "Truthiness" concept is a wart. Sure, empty sequences, and zero values are often "False" in nature, but truthiness really is application-dependent -- in particular, sometimes a value of zero is meaningful, and sometimes not.
Is it really so hard to write:
if len(seq) == 0:
if x == 0:
if arr.size == 0:
arr.shape == (0,0):
And then you are being far more explicit about what the test really is.
And thanks Ben, for pointing out the issue with iterables. One more example of how Python has really changed its focus:
Python 2 (or maybe, Python1.5) was all about sequences. Python 3 is all about iterables -- and the "empty is False" concept does not map well to iterables....
As to the topic at hand, if we had it to do again, I would NOT make an array that happens to hold a single value act like a scalar for bool() -- a 1-D array that happens to be length-1 really is a different beast than a scalar.
But we don't have it to do again -- so we probably need to keep it as it is for backward compatibility.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer
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