---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: 13 Dec 2000 11:27:08 +0000 From: José Luis Gómez Dans <j.l.gomez-dans@sheffield.ac.uk> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python Subject: Tutorial in Numerical Python?
Hi, I am wondering whether such a thing exists. Is there a nice tutorial for NumPy that guides you through the basic steps? Say, a little hands-on introduction to Linear Algebra, Transforms and possibly the inclusion of some of the graphic modules?
Hi, Take a look at: <http://www.wag.caltech.edu/home/rpm/python_course/> -- --------------------------------- Herb Schilling NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH 44135 Herbert.W.Schilling@grc.nasa.gov If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart. -Socrates (469?-399 B.C.)