Is there a C# <-> C (or, I guess, really a .net <-> C ) binding mechanism? Like JNI for Java? I don't know much about the whole .Net thing (CLR, in this case), but
Christopher Barker wrote: there is the p-invoke mechanism for that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_Invocation_Services I don't know the performance impact. According to pypy developers, the best way to extend python in C is to use ctypes: this makes interop easier for different VM (Cpython vs CLR in this case). But in the case of numpy, this would mean quite a lot of work, I guess, because numpy is more than just a python extension, it provides a big C Api (which is the real problem in the case of VM adaptation). The best would be of course a solution which enables interop, so that if later, people want to use the work gone into numpy for IronPython, people do not have to start everything from scratch for say Jython or something else. But maybe this is too big of a task. Giles, maybe you could see with the pypy people if they can give you some advice, too (pypy is an implementation of python in python, which can translate into different platforms, including the CLI): http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/news.html http://lists.ironpython.com/pipermail/users-ironpython.com/2007-March/004685... cheers, David