> When you say "we could request access to new Volterra machines": how do
> you see that playing out? Who would provide them, and who would maintain
> them? Would they be available to the more general scientific python
> community? Who would pay the bill?Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Arm are very interested in native support for Numpy and other scientific packages for Windows on Arm platform.And we have contacts with them to start the relevant discussion if there is interest to use those dev boxes (local or remote access)or Azure VMs for CI/CD purposes.
Hope that answers your questions.NiyasOn Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 14:51, Matti Picus <matti.picus@gmail.com> wrote:When you say "we could request access to new Volterra machines": how do
you see that playing out? Who would provide them, and who would maintain
them? Would they be available to the more general scientific python
community? Who would pay the bill? If the people supporting this niche
platform stop doing so, can we drop the wheels? CPython has PEP 11 [0],
maybe this effort should start by writing a similar NEP for the
scientific python community.
[0] https://peps.python.org/pep-0011
On 6/6/22 13:35, Niyas Sait wrote:
> Hello,
> It has been a while since we discussed adding CI/CD support for
> Windows on Arm. Let me share a few updates and see if we can find a
> way forward.
> First of all, Thanks for suggesting cibuildwheel. We have couple of
> patches in progress to add native [1] and cross-compilation support
> [2] to cibuildwheel. They could solve the binary wheel creation and
> releases. However, we may still lack support for CI.
> I would like to check if there is any interest in using Windows/Arm64
> VMs in Azure [3] or Volterra machines ( new Windows/Arm64 Dev Boxes )
> [4] to add CI support for WoA platform.
> In order to use Azure VMs with GitHub Actions or Azure Pipeline, we
> must set up self-hosted runners. I am not sure if that would be an
> acceptable workflow for the numpy community. If that could work we
> could potentially find ways to fund the required VMs for NumPy project.
> Also, we could request access to new Volterra machines for Numpy
> CI/CD. I know it is not easy to maintain them as part of CI/CD
> workflow, but if any maintainers are interested in using them for
> CI/CD purposes, we can progress on that discussion.
> Let me know what you think.
> Thanks
> Niyas
> [1] https://github.com/pypa/cibuildwheel/pull/920
> [2] https://github.com/pypa/cibuildwheel/pull/1108
> [3]
> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/now-in-preview-azure-virtual-machines-with-ampere-altra-armbased-processors/
> [4]
> https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2022/05/24/create-next-generation-experiences-at-scale-with-windows/
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