Someone could setup   which has both aarch64 and armv8l servers. I have used this service without issue in randomgen which requires building NumPy (but not testing it).

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 2:21 PM Stefan van der Walt <> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, at 13:47, ChunLin Fang wrote:
    I noticed that the shippable CI always skipped after PR submitted , The reason why it's skip seems to be "No active nodes found in shared node pool "shippable_shared_aarch64""
Potential bugs may buried through out numpy without shippable CI.
    I happened to own an idle armv8 server that can donate to numpy community, please let me know if that can improve numpy's CI/CD environment , also need somebody help me set up the CI/CD environment on that server.

Thank you for your kind offer!

Someone else would be more qualified than I to comment on why the pool is empty, and what resources we have available.

I know that AppVeyor allows you to host your own nodes, and it looks like Azure does too:


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