On Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:45:51 +0000 (UTC) Irwin Zaid <izaid@continuum.io> wrote:
So, we see DyND is having a twofold purpose. The first is to expand upon the kinds of data that NumPy can represent and do computations upon. The second is to provide a standard array package that can cross the language barrier and easily interoperate between C++, Python, or whatever you want.
One possible limitation is that the lingua franca for language interoperability is C, not C++. DyND doesn't have to be written in C, but exposing a nice C API may help make it attractive to the various language runtimes out there. (even those languages whose runtime doesn't have a compile-time interface to C generally have some kind of cffi or ctypes equivalent to load external C routines at runtime) Regards Antoine.